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The company held a series of activities to celebrate the establishment of fifteen years

    The afternoon of September 23, 2016, "fifteen years of efforts, a large sign fifteen years of trials and hardships" were suspended in the two main walls of the conference room, the company Beijing Guangzhou staff colleagues jubilant together together in the conference room, to celebrate the fifteen anniversary of Zhongtian Petroleum Technology Co. Ltd. was founded Qiming video conference. The formal start of this link, the company opened the curtain of the company's fifteen year division.



Executive president Cao Xiaoming presided over the company's grand celebration of the general assembly. In the beginning he reviewed fifteen years ago and founded fifteen years, from small to big, from weak to strong, indomitable spirit, made huge bumpy course of development, full of pride into the said: "today, we gather together to celebrate the next week, the company was founded in fifteen years, memories of the glorious history of the development of the company, we look good the future will motivate staff united, overcome difficulties, forge ahead!"
As a pioneer of corporate entrepreneurship, the fifteen anniversary celebration of the company chairman Shi Yanfeng was established in the general assembly, on the festive feeling in the best of spirits, share the feelings of three employees: 1, as long as the belief, fire is not overwhelming; 2, the return of re reading; 3, do everything possible to upgrade. The company in his speech in the transfer of knowledge, the current status of the company encourages employees and company growth measures, the next step in the path of development and other important information. Chairman Shi finally said, "we are fortunate in the same boat, feeling in the development of enterprises stand together through storm and stress, different periods of joy and personal career achievements.