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  • The company held a series of activities to celebrate the establishment of fifteen years2016-09-23

    The afternoon of September 23, 2016, "fifteen years of efforts, a large sign fifteen years of trials and hardships" were suspended in the two main walls of the conference room, the company Beijing Guangzhou staff colleagues jubilant together together in the conference room, to celebrate the fifteen anniversary of Zhongtian Petroleum Technology Co. Ltd. was founded Qiming video conference. The formal start of this link, the company opened the curtain of the company's fifteen year division.

  • SHI YANFENG be selected Million people plan2016-08-06

    National level talents special support plan (the "plan"), is a national strategic plan to build an innovative country, for the domestic high level talent, outstanding people to focus on the selection and support of a number of natural science, engineering technology and the field of philosophy and Social Sciences, leading talents and young talents. In the central coordination group personnel working group led by the Ministry under the leadership of the second national people plan "scientific and

  • The company has been identified as Guangdong province postdoctoral innovation practice base2016-06-06

    n May 12, 2016, the Guangdong provincial human resources and social security department announced the Sixth Batch of Guangdong province postdoctoral innovation base list, Zhongtian Qiming Company glory in the column.

  • GOALTECH in CIPPE20162016-03-26

    The sixteenth Chinese International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition (CIPPE2016) on March 29th -31 in Beijing Chinese International Exhibition Center (New) was held as scheduled, the exhibition attracted nearly 2000 exhibitors from 65 countries debut, including the world's top 500 enterprises reached 46, the exhibition area of nearly 100000 square meters. Opened in 2016, the oil and gas industry is still in shock stage, overall continuation of the crude oil, refined